
The Flashback Series

I figured how to go about sharing things from the past with my audience. I'm going to do it by doing short 'flashbacks' about certain areas of my life and my experiences. I think it will be fun and challenging for me at times because I personally have flashbacks all the time. And not all of them are good ones quite frankly. 
I also feel this is a way to establish connections with my audience because I may write a flashback that you can somewhat or exactly relate to. Eventually I'll come up with other series which will add variety but I'll cross that bridge when I arrive at it.
I'm working on my first flashback entry and I expect to have it finished and posted sometime tomorrow. Quite possibly even tonight but I doubt it because I'm gonna hit up the studio in a little bit and as bad as it sounds, I'm not planning on being sober tonight. Now I know a lot of you can relate to that and if you can't, that's fine too. Have a great weekend and be safe.


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