

Yeah so I completed a month of consistent blogging. Even though I intend to keep it that way, my content will improve with time and experience. I can guarantee that. And to start implementing that, I would like to introduce the C String. Yes, I have seen a woman wearing this in the physical and it is remarkable to say the least. It definitely adds shock value as well as an unexpected surprise for anyone who may happen to see you in your unmentionables. Now, if you ladies are looking to step your cookies up a few notches, then this is a way to do just that. And fellas, if you're looking for a sexy gift then this is that. Just be sure to include something else with it. You know, a card, maybe a new fragrance or her favorite chocolate or a combination of shit. Just be sure to include something else, I can't stress that enough. It will show that you actually care and put some thought into it. Not that you ran out to buy her some new drawz you wanna see her in, only to take them off of her. Don't be that much of an asshole, asshole.


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